Wordpress Agency

Wordpress Web Design Agency
& Wordpress SEO Consultants UK

Wordpress is a powerful Content Management System allowing business to update their own websites. Studies have indicated that it powers over 40% of websites on the internet. The SEO Strategy Agency has been using Wordpress since 2009. If you have a Wordpress SEO or Web Development requirement our Consultants and Web Designers would be more than happy to discuss this with you and see how we can assist you.

Wordpress SEO

Wordpress Web Design

Wordpress SEO & Web Design Agency

Professional Wordpress Services

When it comes to selecting a Content Management System for your company’s website it’s important to do one’s research. It should fit with the needs that are most important to your business. Bearing in mind that Wordpress is so popular, there is an element of future-proofing. As there is a multitude of plugin solutions, theme builders this comes with a huge community supporting the longevity of this platform. However, there are some downsides such as they can be targeted by hackers and spam bots. It’s important to ensure Wordpress sites are regularly maintained and kept up-to-date and as secure as possible. In addition to decent website hosting, we encourage clients to have a Wordpress website maintenance package. Some alternative CMS include Drupal, Joomla, Wix, Editor X, SquareSpace and Statamic CMS.

Why has SEO Strategy Ltd specialised in Wordpress Web Design?
In 2009 we were tasked with rebuilding a portfolio of websites and Wordpress presented itself as a flexible solution, which would allow for good SEO results. The reason why we stuck with this solution was the fact that client demand grew exponentially yet it allowed us to attain results for our clients. We had built sites for a few years before this, using traditional HTML and CSS with Dreamweaver (even a bit of flash for those that remember that). In essence, Wordpress allowed us to create larger sites a lot quicker and extend functionality easily with plugin solutions.

Wordpress Web Design

The Need for Speed!

One factor, regardless of what Website CMS you opt for, that will possibly impact search engine performance is site speed. Specifically, the introduction of Google Core Web Vitals and the Google Page Experience Update (2021). User Experience is paramount. The sites that put UX at the forefront of their online experience tend to reap the benefits.

Our websites are developed and designed with UX and page speed in mind. But there is always an element of style vs substance. A site that is perfect example of SEO best practices, isn’t always the ‘prettiest’ of websites. Clients have to weigh up what is more important to them and best serves their potential visitors

Find Out More About Wordpress Web Design

Wordpress SEO

There are certainly tools that can aid you in optimising your Wordpress website. A very popular tool is the Yoast plugin. However, using this alone would arguably only offer limited results. For implementing SEO basics such as meta titles and descriptions, it is very useful.

The demand for Wordpress SEO Consultants has definitely proliferated in the last few years, even more through the pandemic. Our approach is to be strategic coupled with clear intention and goals. We utilise the digital toolbox to achieve the best results possible. Also, we believe in exercising a good level of creativity and harnessing the power of lateral thinking and ideas to gain that all important competitive edge.


Find out more about Wordpress SEO Services

Wordpress SEO Consultants

My business does not use Wordpress, can you help?

If your company has a CMS such as Drupal, Joomla, Wix, Editor X, SquareSpace and Statamic CMS. The short answer is yes, we should be able to still help. We are very upfront and honest. We make sure we do our research from the outset to give you an idea of the extent we believe we will be able to help.

However, we do not accept every job. For those that have engaged in, and would like to continue to do so, with black hat, deceptive and unethical techniques, this is something we can not compromise on or pursue. For those techniques that seem to be too good to be true, or a shortcut, they tend to be just that and seldom will work in the long run.

We are in the business of working with and building authoritative brands that have strategic goals and ethical intentions.

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