Site Page Speed & SEO Hosting

Page Speed Insights for Desktop and Mobile Devices

Below is using our site as an example. We like to practice what we preach and when google was hinting at a ranking boost by meeting core web vitals we wanted to implement this on our site. There are limitations and unfortunately popular page builders like Elementor, Divi and themes you can buy off themeforest (currently) do not seem ideal frameworks to meet Google Core Web Vital criteria. The Google Page Experience Update is due to roll out. We believe there is an element of relativity to this i.e will the majority of your competition in your sector doing anything about these standards or not. Rebuilding your whole website may not be a viable option for your business but if you’re able to make improvements where possible it could be beneficial. For example, looking at caching options and checking aspects like image compression could be beneficial.

Google Page Speed Score for Desktop
Google Page Speed Score for Mobile

Hosting for Superior Site Page Speed and SEO

We’ve all been there before where a website is taking too long to load and give up and exit. The expectation of the user on websites these days is very high with patience being minimal. User experience is paramount. So it’s not surprising anything those aspects that contribute to a poor user experience will affect your site’s SEO performance.

“40% of people abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load.” (source Neil Patel)

Therefore, site speed (and in turn page speed) are factors indicated by Google are rankings factors within the algorithm.

There are so many factors that can impact on poor site and page speed:

  • Poor hosting (not necessarily cheap)
  • Bloated Wordpress site (over use of plugins)
  • Too many images / videos (especially if not optimised for web
  • Lack of updates (php, wordpress core, theme, plugins etc)
  • No use of caching

SEO Hosting (What is it?)

Basically, it’s a service we offer. Where we ensure the site is kept up-to-date. You are made aware of any issues . A lot of clients will update sites themselves using Wordpress CMS but SEO mistakes can be easy to make and not always obvious. You’ll be surprised how easy it is to upload bloated large images and slow your site down.

Do you recommend a hosting company? (If yes, who and why?)

Our preferred hosting company of choice is They have the right mix of solid product offering coupled with great customer services which can be difficult to find in a sea of hosting providers.

Do you host email?

The short answer is no but with good reason. Email is an extremely business critical function requiring specialist support (usually from an IT Company). Our concern is your website and SEO effectiveness.

How do you know a site’s page speed?

There are various tools to investigate and ascertain a site’s page speed. However, Google’s Page Speed Tool is the first port of call. You can go test your site now. Be mindful it can fluctuate but if it stays consistently poor, it’s worth having as an area to tackle. Also, desktop speed is easier to achieve a higher score than mobile. It’s worth thinking about your target audience and what their device of preference would be.

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