Google Ads & PPC

Adwords Consultant & Pay Per Click (PPC) Strategist Services

Why do you offer Google Ads / PPC Management?

This is a good question for an SEO Agency. As we know Organic SEO is concerned with ranking organically. Essentially not having to pay for it. However, as we are a strategic SEO agency we want to utilise all the tactic that the digital toolbox has to offer.

When launching a brand new site there will always be the challenge to get it to rank organically. This isn’t an overnight process and takes time. Google Ads (the four at the top you pay to feature on) can be an effective way to send relevant visitors to your site. Alternatively, you may have an existing site but have launched a new product or service and want a boost of exposure. Google Ads can help with this.

The ideal relationship between organic SEO and google Ads is an indirect correlation. Basically, as SEO and ranking improve. The reliance and Google Ad spend decreases. There is an exception to every rule though. Some industries may deal with “at need” clients and customers. For example, for those who want to urgently speak to someone may not have time to research all the options presented to them on page one of Google. They may see an impressive Google Ad, with a call button and contact that company. They may not even bother scrolling down past the four ads, the Google Map locations if they are there to find your company (that’s if you’re on page one organically that is).

Can’t I just manage Google Ads campaigns myself?

There’s definitely enough tutorials out there and Google tend to assign an account manager for those new to Google Ads. However, with many things it comes down to whether you have the time, patience and willing to make a few mistakes along the way. Google is constantly updating and Google Ads is certainly no exception to this. There are simplified campaigns that you can set up. Although, these are simpler we’ve found they are very limiting in what you can achieve with them. With some cost per clicks (CPC) being extremely pricey, we want to ensure the budget is utilised to its maximum.

Can you give an example of a Google Ads pitfall?

So there are ad types; Broad Match, Phrase Match, Exact Match etc. A common mistake is using types that attract unwanted searches. For example, you may provide a service in Southampton and it is only viable to serve customers in Hampshire or Southampton itself. But you could unintentionally attract users from anywhere in UK (you’d need to check your location settings also). Also, without regular maintenance irrelevant keywords could keep wasting your budget. So you’d need to regularly check and update your negative keywords.

How would you manage my budget?

The Google Ads billing would be set up and connected to your business (usually a credit / debit card). The client specifies the budget, we cap it at that agreed limit. Budgets can fluctuate but we ensure sticking to the agreed spend limit. It’s monitored on a month by month basis. We like to communicate the performance. What’s working, what isn’t and suggest ideas and changes.

Why should I choose SEO Strategy for Google Ads management?

We’ve found SEO and Google Ads work great in combination. One can inform the other for necessary improvements. Using a separate SEO Consultant and Google Ad Consultant some aspects may be lost in communication.

If you’re new to Google Ads or want to try a new supplier, do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We can always give you a quote and we are not in the game of chasing or pressuring potential clients.

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