Digital Marketing Agency Services

Digital Marketing Consultancy Services London, Southampton & Manchester

We like to consider ourselves a digital marketing agency but proud to specialise in Search Engine Optimisation and SEO Strategy. We are more of a niche digital agency that specialises in website conversions mainly derived from SEO, PPC and Conversion Rate Optimisation as opposed to a Generalist Digital Agency offering every possible marketing service.

What is the difference between a digital marketing agency and an SEO Agency?

There is a distinct difference between the two types of agencies. A digital marketing agency will tend to covers the whole spectrum of the internet sphere including SEO. Whereas, an SEO agency will focuses mainly on search engines (Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo), boosting your business page’s ranking for greater traffic and leads. So the main difference really is one is generalist and the other is specialist.

However, Digital Marketing Consultancy and SEO Strategy Consultancy in the context of planning and guidance are arguably the same as they really ought to take into account the whole digital sphere but we like to place our emphasis on SEO Strategy and proud to specialise in it.

Do you limit your Strategic Proposals & Guidance just to SEO?

Absolutely, not. When devising an SEO Strategy for a business it would be shortsighted if not irresponsible to not point out opportunities or weaknesses in areas such as branding, website development, PPC etc. It’s all well and good improving search engine rankings and driving traffic to a website but if there is a blockade or anything that may deter a user from sending an enquiry, making a call, purchasing a product this needs to be investigated and tackled.

If a Digital Marketing Agency cover SEO, should I not bother with an SEO Agency?

This is a good question and the answer and decision will vary from company to company. For a business wanting to deal with one supplier, one account manager and feel confident they can access a multitude of services under one roof then this may be the option for your business. However, this may come at a high price that isn’t viable, sustainable or you may be locked into an inflexible contract. Sometimes there will be pressure for your Account Manager to up-sell additional services that may not be critical.

Why Should I consider a specialist Strategic SEO Agency?

“My background has been in digital marketing and I’ve been in the position of hiring and firing agencies (including SEO Agencies). I would receive reports (50+ pages) full of links, mentioning back link this and link juice that but my actual concern was ‘why aren’t we page one’, ‘why hasn’t the site seen more quality traffic that is converting’, what should we be doing to improve our search engine performance’, what are our weaknesses with our digital strategy’ ‘what are the opportunities for us to take advantage of’. This why I was very careful to call my agency SEO Strategy Consultancy. I wanted to create an agency that basically has a marketing focus of ‘lets make that phone ring, let’s get the enquiries in and make your company more money’. That may sound crude but it’s a language that resonate with business owners and leadership teams. I’ve watched the digital landscape completely transform since 2004 but some things remain the same. I love how using principles and fundamentals of SEO you can develop an authoritative brand that ranks well, attracts relevant traffic that can convert in more business. Then by cherry picking other aspects like PPC for example, you can really enhance the effectiveness and boost performance and profits.

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